The Resort That Cried Wolf: TEN AC Plans June Reopening, But Previous Launches Didn’t Happen

[toc]TEN Atlantic City is supposed to open in less than a month.

However, this is far from the first time the former Revel Casino Hotel has promised a launch date.

What happened the other times it didn’t open? And does it have a chance to actually open this time around?

TEN AC, February 2017

The last time TEN was supposed to open was just a few months ago.

TEN AC owner Glenn Straub told in January that the shuttered resort would be up and running by February, albeit without casino gaming.

“It’s ready to go,” said Straub, owner of the former casino. He spoke of restaurants, hotel rooms, showrooms, and, eventually, racquetball and tennis.

However, that deadline came and went. TEN’s failure to open stems at least partially from its inability to get the proper permits and licenses from state and local agencies, even apart from a gaming license.

However, it’s not clear the resort was at all ready even without the necessary paperwork.

TEN AC, June 2016

Straub also promised an opening date about a year ago, in June of 2016.

At the time, it simply appeared that little had been done to actually open the resort, despite the planned launch. The announced soft launch of the resort was all talk and no substance.

Of course, the resort also still didn’t hold the permits it was still seeking in the early part of 2017, either.

Ten AC in 2015

While Straub never promised a full relaunch in 2015, there was talk that a nightclub inside the resort could have gone live.

Of course, that never happened, as no part of the resort has been open since 2014 — hotel rooms, restaurants, casino or other entertainment options included.

Revel actually did open in 2012

Of course, Revel was actually open once upon a time, right after it was built in 2012.

The resort and casino was constructed at a pricetag of more than $2 billion. It was suppose to be a shiny, glass beacon of the future of Atlantic City. Instead, it became the symbol of AC’s downturn.

The resort’s owners had filed for bankruptcy in 2013, and it would go on to close in 2014 as operating losses mounted.

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TEN AC, June 2017?

According to a report from the Press of AC in April, up to 2,000 hotel rooms at TEN AC could be available in June. What other amenities, if any, are also in the works is unknown.

The resort’s website still promises a 2017 opening, although it says nothing about June. You cannot book rooms online, currently.

However, given all the previous failures to reopen, this new launch date is looked at by many with a great deal of skepticism. At this point, Straub is playing the role of the “boy who cried wolf,” as promised opening dates have come and gone with a whimper.

Even Gov. Chris Christie basically told Straub to put up or shut up with talk of opening TEN.

So will TEN AC open on June 15, 2017? If an oddsmaker were taking bets, TEN remaining closed would be a heavy favorite.

About the Author

Warren Jones

Aside from his role as editor at, Warren Jones writes extensively about the legal online gaming and US online poker industries, having played poker recreationally for his entire adult life. He has also covered sports for The Washington Post and the D.C. Examiner, among others.