Christie To TEN AC Owner: Open Or Sell Atlantic City Resort

[toc]New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie added his two cents to the ongoing saga that is the former Revel resort in Atlantic City, saying its owner should get moving or get out of town.

That opinion came as TEN AC owner Glenn Straub said once again that he plans to open the casino by summer, the third such promise he has made in the past year.

What Christie said on TEN AC

Christie was talking on the “Ask the Governor” call-in show on NJ 101.5. Christie had just been in AC this week.

The topic of Revel — the $2 billion-plus resort that has been shuttered for several years — came up, according to the Associated Press:

TRENTON, N.J. (AP) – New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie says he hopes the owner of the former Revel casino sells the property if he’s unwilling to get licensed. …
The Republican governor says the owner refused to show financial documents and get licensed as required. He adds that if that doesn’t happen, the casino won’t open on his watch.

Christie vs. Straub

Christie didn’t have much new to add to the debacle that has been TEN. Straub has not procured the licensure he needs to open, and it won’t open without it, no matter what Christie says. Christie has no real power to compel Straub to do anything, currently.

The governor orchestrated a state takeover of AC’s finances in the fall last year. Based on some of his recent comments, it appears Christie sees AC’s turnaround as part of his legacy before he leaves office in January. It’s clear he would probably like to add the reopening of the gleaming resort to his resume.

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So will TEN/Revel actually reopen?

Observers find it doubtful that the newest opening date will be any different the others. They are likely to come and go with the resort still sitting vacant.


Christie’s comments likely echo what a lot of people think: that Straub should finally start working with state and local officials on TEN, or stop pretending that he’s trying to open the doors.
Image credit: Alan Tan Photography /
About the Author

Warren Jones

Aside from his role as editor at, Warren Jones writes extensively about the legal online gaming and US online poker industries, having played poker recreationally for his entire adult life. He has also covered sports for The Washington Post and the D.C. Examiner, among others.